Racconto Cauliflower Gnocchi

What’s wrong with this label?

At first glance I think it’s gluten-free, since many companies now make gluten-free pastas using cauliflower but they also use egg in the formula, this gnocchi had no egg.

Thinking further I think it’s made of all cauliflower. I just got done ricing cauliflower to use in recipes where normally I’d use carb-based grains.

I already bought it, so I was going to use it, but not as a grain substitute.

Looking further the pound of gnocchi contained only ten percent cauliflower; it wasn’t even the main ingredient.

Deceptive advertisement? Sure, though if legality entered into it, it would be my fault for not reading the ingredient label, but RACCONTO, or their ads people, wanted to intentionally mislead the prospective buyer. It contains wheat, but by looking at the front label which is what catches the buyer’s eye, the brain registers cauliflower, plant-based – vegan.

I went ahead and used it. Pay attention when it tells you to cook only 2 minutes, because that is accurate. By two minutes after submerged in rapidly boiling, salted water, the gnocchi rise to the top, and that’s when you scoop them out to a platter, sauce them and serve.

The gnocchi are more gooey than most gnocchi, but tender and enjoyable. They don’t fall apart in the water, but keep to that 2 minute cook time and you’ll be fine.

These gnocchi are not gluten-free.

This is the recipe where I used RACCONTO CAULIFLOWER GNOCCHI. Take a look.

Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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