AFC Diet Coke Zero Calorie Salad Dressing ©



Everything you want in a dressing!

This Is the Place! 

Zero Calories!

Makes almost 3 cups

1/3 c. fresh lime squeeze

1/2 c. apple cider vinegar

1/2 c. water

1 t. guar gum powder

1 c. Diet Coke

1/4 c. prepared yellow mustard

1 T. Gourmet Garden Ginger Paste

1 t. turmeric

1/2 t. Tabasco Sauce

2 T. finely minced and mashed till mushy fresh basil leaves – no stems

1/2 t. ultra-fine grind black pepper

1 t. pink Himalayan salt

In deep bowl place lime juice, apple cider vinegar and water. Stir.

Add guar gum powder and immediately whisk briskly till completely incorporated into liquid and liquid thickens.

Add Diet coke. If freshly opened it will rise in foam, so be sure the bowl you use has enough head space to accommodate the swell. Stir to incorporate the Coke into the thickened liquid.

Add prepared mustard, ginger paste, turmeric, Tabasco Sauce, minced basil, pepper and salt, stirring briskly and completely incorporating each ingredient after you add it to the liquid.

(Refrain from throwing all ingredients in at once and then stirring.)

Salt to taste. I like to do the last salting with a different salt. Here I used Celtic. Perfect.

Transfer to lidded jars or bottles and refrigerate till ready to use.

Notes: Well, who would think? I’ve wanted to do a totally fat-free dressing for a time now. But the sugar part was an obstacle. Don’t know how this happened but it did. A perfectly creamy, acidic, sweet, herby dressing for all salads.

Update and correction: I’ve been under the impression that limes, like fresh tomatoes, cucumber, spinach, onion etc. are free foods on any diet. However, some may not think that way. So, at 11 calories per juice of 1 lime, using 2 limes for almost 3 cups dressing would equal 22 calories divided by 16 Tablespoons times 3 cups equals .48 or 1/2 calorie per Tablespoon. Negligible. I’m going to keep with the zero calorie label. I ate more than 2 Tablespoons while developing the recipe, which would amount to at least 3 full cups. I never measure what I taste. It wouldn’t fit in with the process to discipline myself to that extent.

Arugula, spinach, tempeh, sauteed red onion and broccoli drizzled with dressing and topped with fresh grape tomatoes!


Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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